dimarts, 11 de febrer del 2020

3. Naturally (Dynamics 3, 5)

exercises about animals:
1. Easy animal quizz
2. How much do you know about animals? do this quizz
3. What is your favourite animal? Do the quizz to find out.
4. Find out about your favourite animal: choose one of the animals and take notes of the information given. Don't forget to watch the video here
5. EASY: Kids Corner animalsComplete the table

GRAMMAR comparative and superlative adjectives
0. Scheme on comparatives and superlatives
1. Read the explanation and do the exercises
2. Explanations in English and Spanish + quizz
3. Exercises
4. More exercises

Wild Life VideoWorksheet

Write a description of your favourite animal. Follow the pattern beloww and post your composition on the blog:

Paragraph 1 What is it? Where is it from? Where do they live?
I am going to describe the________________.It is a mammal/reptile/fish/bird/amphibian.... that lives in dry/humid/hot/cold...areas, near the mountains/rivers/sea/plains....

Paragraph 2 Physical characteristics of an adult: size, weight, hair...
Adult ________________ weigh about _____ Kg, they have _________ hair/skin/scales/feathers...They also have___________

Paragraph 3 What do they eat? How do they get their food? Reproduction.
A ___________ feeds on ___________ It gets his food by_____________ They reproduce by laying eggs/ They give birth to young live. Their mating season is in ____________.

Paragraph 4 Other facts: is it an endangered species? Why do you like it?
The __________ is/ is not an endangered species because ______________ It is my favourite/least favourite animal because____________________


1. Listen and note down useful phrases
Useful phrases

Complete the conversations: 
Dialogue 1
Client: A single to _______________, please. 
Clerk: Single to… that’s ___________ pounds
Client: What time is the _______  ___________ ?
Clerk: aaaa… ________ past _________
Client: and which platform is it?
Clerk: platform _______
Client: Thanks
Clerk:  _______   ______

Dialogue 2
Client: Good morning, I’d like a return ticket to Cardiff please, for next ___________
Clerk: That’s Tuesday the _____th
Client: Yes, that’s right
Clerk: right, so, what time do you want to travel?
Client: I need to be in Cardiff at ______ o’clock, _____ in the morning. 
Clerk: So you need the eight twenty
Client: What time does it arrive?
Clerk: at ten fifty
Client: Fine
Clerk: That’s ______ pounds ______, please
Client: Thank you very much. 

James: How are you?
Jane: I’m good. How was your summer vacation?
James: It was great. I went to Jejudo with my family 
Jane: Really? What did you do there?
James: we looked around Jejudo
Jane: Sounds great!
James: We rode horses and walked around Jeju Olle
Jane: Jeju Olle? What’s that?
James: it’s a walking path. You can see beautiful beaches and fields from there. 
Jane: wow, I want to go there too
James: what about your vacation, what did you do?
Jane: I took taekwondo lessons. 
James: great! what colour belt do you have?
Jane: white. I want to get my blue belt soon. 
James: good luck!

Write your own dialogue, change the underlined information. 

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