Imagine that you have a blog where people ask for advice. Choose one of the problems and write an answer Dear ______________, I am going to try to give you advice for your problem. In your message you say that__________.
In the first place, you should _____________________________, it is important because___________________________
You also have to _______________________.
But you mustn’t ___________because______________________.
exercises about animals: 1. Easy animal quizz 2. How much do you know about animals? do this quizz 3. What is your favourite animal? Do the quizz to find out. 4. Find out about your favourite animal: choose one of the animals and take notes of the information given. Don't forget to watch the video here 5. EASY: Kids Corner animals. Complete the table
Paragraph 1 What is it? Where is it from? Where do they live? I am going to describe the________________.It is a mammal/reptile/fish/bird/amphibian.... that lives in dry/humid/hot/cold...areas, near the mountains/rivers/sea/plains....
Paragraph 2 Physical characteristics of an adult: size, weight, hair... Adult ________________ weigh about _____ Kg, they have _________ hair/skin/scales/feathers...They also have___________
Paragraph 3 What do they eat? How do they get their food? Reproduction. A ___________ feeds on ___________ It gets his food by_____________ They reproduce by laying eggs/ They give birth to young live. Their mating season is in ____________.
Paragraph 4 Other facts: is it an endangered species? Why do you like it? The __________ is/ is not an endangered species because ______________ It is my favourite/least favourite animal because____________________
think of an object that is important for you . Imagine that you lost the item recently, but someone found it and retunrned it to you.
Paragraph 1: Say what you are thanking the person for and how you found it. To the person who found _____________________thank you! I found it ________________ Paragraph 2: Say what you were doing when you lost the item. I was ____________ when I left __________ in ______________and then ______________ Paragraph 3: Say why the item is important. Give some personal info or opinions. It's very special to me because ____________________________________________ I'm mad about__________/ ______is one of my favourite ____________________________________ Tanks again for everything!
WRITING TASK Write about an activity you used to do in the past and now you don't.
Paragraph 1(say how old you were and what your activity is. Give details) When I was _______ I used to love_______ I used to practice every weekend/day with my ______ at ________ Paragraph 2(describe one specific memory about the activity. What happenend, how did you feel?) Once I_______________________ but I _____________________ I felt_________________ Paragraph 3(when did you stop doing the activity and why?) I stopped_____________ when I _____________________ because_______________
READING DOC The Dream Sea Surf Camp
Dreamsea Surf Camp Text Questions
1. Where is the camp located?
2. What trees are there around?
3. What is a slack line?
4. what stores can you find?
5. What is the surf camp phylosophy?
6. What are your two favourite pieces of equipment? from the list?
7. What countri does Yoga come from?
8. Which city can you visit?
9. With what sport can you win a priza?
10. What happens on Friday night?
His /Her name is...he/she is .....years old and he/she is from... He/she lives in the ..... neighbourhood and I'm going to talk about his her free time.
Paragraph 2
After school, at...... PM, He/She .... he /she also... In the evening... and then...